MQA Strategy Documents

Ministerial Foreword - SETA Annual Performance Plans 2023 Final-Signed_19/04/2023
2022-2023 MQA Funding Policy_29/09/2022
2021-2022 Funding Policy-August 2021_20/11/2021
MQA Annual Performance Plan - 2021-22 (1)_20/11/2021
MQA Annual Performance Plan - 2021-22_20/11/2021
The Mining Qualifications Authority (the “Authority’? was originally established by the Mine Health and Safety Act, (Act no 29 of 1996) (the “MHSA’? on 15 January 1997. If‘s constitution was subsequently published in the Government Gazette by the Minister of Minerals and Energy on 24 Aprii f998
MQA Strategic Plan_30/08/2021
MQA Funding Policy for 2020-2021 Financial Year_30/08/2021
MQA Bursary and Work Experience Policy 2017-2018_30/08/2021