Artisan Development

The MQA Artisan Development Projects’ targets are set by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and support the objectives of the New Growth Path. The MQA hosts the quarterly Artisan Development Forum with the MQA accredited engineering training centres, trade test centres and MQA mining linked FET colleges. The objectives of the Forum are to communicate and discuss topical national developments and policies; to share and discuss good practices on matters of common interest; to disseminate information on MQA developments as well as to foster linkages among the constituent providers.

The MQA also participates in the Artisan and Technician Subcommittee meeting coordinated by the National Artisan Moderation Body (NAMB).

There continues to be a need for qualified artisans to support and grow the South African economy. To this end, the MQA has undertaken several initiatives. 

MQA Artisan Learner registration process

  • The Administrator at the Training Provider need to capture learner info on I-Share
  • The Learner Agreement must be signed by three parties (the Learner / the Training Provider and the Employer)
  • Supporting documents must be attached to the Learner Agreement (Certified ID copy, copy of qualifications and the training plan)
  • Agreements to be submitted to MQA
  • The MQA to register and issue approval letter and registration numbers

Artisan Projects

  • MQA/UIF Artisan Development Project Targeting retrenched mining and minerals sector employees
  • MQA/NSF2 Artisan Development Project Targeting unemployed and employed learners
  • MQA-Artisan RPL/Aides Development ProgrammeTargeting employed artisan aides/artisan assistants
  • MQA-Artisan Development Programme Targeting unemployed and employed learners
  • MQA/Mpumalanga Artisan Development Project. Targeting unemployed learners
