Sector Skills Planning

In terms of the Skills Development Act 1998 (as amended in 2008), the MQA is required to develop a Sector Skills Plan (SSP) and submit it to the DHET, followed by monitoring of its implementation. In addition, the SSP is required to guide skills development interventions within the mining and minerals sector (MMS). The main purposes of the SSP, outlined in the Skills Development Act 1998, Section 10 (1) are the following:
  • Inform supply-side planning in post-school institutions;
  • Determine funding priorities via the levy grant system;
  • Support regional and employer plans;
  • Inform allocation of resources to develop qualifications and learning programmes;
  • Establish occupation-specific skills priorities for the sector;
  • Inform education and training institutions of demand needs in the labour market;
  • Enable individuals to make informed career choices; and
  • Monitor skills development provision in the sector.
An update of the SSP is undertaken annually by the MQA. The Board Standing Committee: Skills Research and Planning guide the development of the SSP Update and ensures stakeholder input. The main purpose of the SSP Update 2020-2025 is to revise the content of the SSP to reflect on the latest developments within the MMS to inform the MQA’s Strategic Plan, the Annual Performance Plan and envisioning the organisation going forward as per the objectives of the NSDP 2030. The scope of the update includes:
  • An updated overview of the profile of the mining and minerals sector;
  • Update on any skills mismatches between demand and supply in the sector;
  • Investigating the primary reasons for the skills mismatches;
  • Describing the key change drivers impacting the sector where skills development is concerned;
  • An update on existing and planned SETA partnerships; and
  • Identifying priority areas for skills development within the MMS.
