Number of employees supported to complete other health and safety programmes per annum.
Employed learners completing other Health and Safety Skills programmes.
Who can access a Skills Programme?
Employees of mining companies.
Registration process
Employers (through their MQA Accredited Skills Development Providers) are responsible for registering learners on the MQA Learner Management Information System (MQA I-Share System).
Documentation for registration
Skills Programmes enrolment forms, signed certificate/signed statement of results, certified ID copy and Annexure.
List of funded Skills Programmes
- Trackless Mobile Machinery Skills Programme.
- Transportation of persons, material and minerals to and from the underground workings by means of a shaft/ ONSETTER
- Underground Hard Rock: Track bound Locomotive Operator (could fall under Machinery)
- Underground Hard rock: Track bound Loader Operator (could fall under Machinery)
- Underground Hard Rock: Double Drum Winch Operator
- Operation of Medium Voltage Switchgear and Distribution Networks (V2)
- Gathering Arm Loader Operation in an Underground Coal Mine
- Operate Mining Machinery in an Underground Coal Mine: Cut a coalface using an arc wall type coal cutter in an underground coal mine
- Operate mobile machinery in an underground coal mine: Place and operate and auxiliary fan in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Operate a belt conveyor unit to convey coal in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Deliver compressed air using a mobile compressor in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Cut and load coal surface using a continuous miner in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Operate a locomotive underground
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Transport personnel, material or equipment using approved self-propelled mobile machines in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Feed and break coal using a feeder breaker in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Load coal using a gathering arm loader in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Drill a work face using a hand held drilling equipment in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Drill holes using a hand held rock drill in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Transport material and equipment using a load haul dumper in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Drill a coalface using mobile drilling equipment in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Pump water using pumping equipment in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Support roof using a roof bolt machine in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Transport coal using shuttle mining equipment in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Apply stone dust using stone dusting equipment in an underground coal mine
- Operate mining machinery in an underground coal mine: Cut a coalface using a universal type coal cutter in an underground coal mine
- Trackless Mobile Machine Operations – Underground Hardrock (V5)
- Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations: Dozing V2
- Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations: Drilling V2
- Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations: Excavating V2
- Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations: Grader V2
- Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations: Haul and Dump V2
- Operate Mobile Machinery for Surface Excavation Operations: Services V2
- Gases and Gas Testing in Underground Fiery (Coal) Mines V2
- Flameproofing in Underground Fiery (Coal) Mines V2
- Surface Fire Responder for Mines
- Fire Fighting and response to liberated gases in Surface Excavations
- Gases and Gas testing in Surface Excavations (Coal)
- Operate, Clean and Maintain Conveyor Belts
- Monitor and Operate Plant and Equipment
- Maintain a conveyor belt system in the mining and minerals sector
Grant amounts
A grant of R 2500 per employed learner is awarded to the levy paying employer on completion of the skills programme by the learner.
- To include some pictures taken while profiling the OTHER OHS learners
Legislation related to Learnership Prescripts
- MQA Funding Policy
- Skills Development Act
- Skills Development Levies Act
Non-Artisan Learnerships
To enrol learners onto core Learnerships for the mining and minerals sector.
Skills Development Priority 4:
- Facilitate and support the development and implementation of core sector skills and development programmes aligned to the sector qualifications framework.
- Skills Development Priority 1: Support transformation of the sector through skills development.
- Application to extend a Learning Programme Agreement.pdf
- Application to Terminate a Learning Programme Agreement.pdf
- MQA- Tax incentive form.pdf
- Programme Scope form for Training Providers.pdf
- Site Visit Tool_Employer (2) (2) doc updated December 2013.pdf
- Example of a Confirmation Letter Proving Disability.pdf
- MQA Funding Policy 2015-2016 (Final).pdf
- MQA Funding Policy 2015-2016 Annexure E Grant Regulations.pdf
- Sectoral Determination on Learnership Allowances.pdf
- Non-Artisan Development (Beneficiation) Grant Application Form 2021-2022.pdf
- Non-Artisan Development (Core) Grant Application Form 2021-2022.pdf
- Non-Artisan Development (People with Disabilities) Grant Application Form 2021-2022.pdf
- Non-Artisan Development (Core) Grant Application Form 2021-2022 (002)_4TH Window.pdf