Foundational Learning Competence
Number of learners that successfully complete Foundation Learning Competence (FLC).
Employed and unemployed learners completing the FLC Programme. Foundational learning programme address low level skills for learners who require fundamental skills. To give unemployed and employed learner numeracy and literacy that will enable them to get a qualification.
Who can access FLC?
Employees of mining companies and unemployed learners who never had an opportunity to pass Standard 7/ Grade 9/ ABET 4/ NQF 1.
NB: Unemployed learners must approach mining companies registered with MQA to be able to access training in FLC as the MQA only facilitates and funds the training for mining and minerals sector employers.
Registration process
Employers (through their MQA Accredited Skills Development Providers) are responsible for registering learners on the MQA Learner Management Information System (MQA I-Share System).
Documentation for registration
Skills enrolment form, IEB results/statement of results and certified ID copies.
List of subjects funded
- Communication
- Numeracy
Grant amounts
A grant of R5 000 per learner is awarded to the MQA registered levy/exempted from paying employer upon completion of the programme. R2 500 to the learner through the employer and R2 500 to the employer on completion of the programme.(Numeracy and Communication)
- To include some pictures taken while profiling the FLC Learners
Legislation related to Learnership Prescripts
- MQA Funding Policy
- Skills Development Act
- Skills Development Levies Act