Assessment Quality Partner
The MQA is an approved Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) for specified occupational qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). The Assessment Quality Partner must perform the following functions, in respect of the qualifications and part qualifications specified in the Service Level Agreement entered into with the QCTO:
- Recommend the external assessment specifications document for approval by the QCTO;
- Develop and maintain a national data-bank of instruments for external assessments;
- Publish exemplars of external assessments;
- Develop guidelines for the accreditation of assessment centres or the approval of assessment sites for external assessment;
- Recommend to the QCTO the accreditation and withdrawal of accreditation of assessment centres;
- Recommend to the QCTO the withdrawal of accreditation of skills development providers for the knowledge and/or practical skills component using criteria and guidelines provided by the QCTO;
- Coordinate and manage external assessment processes;
- Ensure that there is a reliable and secure electronic database to record learner registration, assessment centres, external assessment applications and assessment data in a format prescribed by the QCTO;
- Moderate at least 10% of learner external assessments;
- Recommend the certification of learners to the QCTO;
- Implement an appeals policy as guided by the QCTO assessment policy;
- Conduct learner tracer studies;
- Promote continuous professional development of AQP associated practitioners;
- Report to the QCTO on the performance of its functions in the form and manner required by the QCTO; and
- Provide a mechanism for RPL.
External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) Schedule: 2024-4045 Financial Year
The MQA is approved to be the AQP for the following Registered Occupational Qualifications: