Stakeholder Relations

The Stakeholder Relations Unit is mandated through the 6 regional offices to:

  • Offer Skills Development Committees’ support to the mining industry;
  • Support SMMEs in the mining areas create alternative employment for rural communities;
  • Document MQA’s skills development initiatives and report these to relevant HRD forums in the nine provinces;
  • Devise stakeholder management plans and inform the various stakeholders on the work of the MQA;
  • Represent the MQA in various corporate events thus profile the work of the MQA;
  • Support stakeholders in ensuring that their issues related to the business of the MQA are speedily resolved;
  • Assist TVET colleges ready themselves to be accredited for work skills programs;
  • Participate in post grade 8 career guidance sessions both in the schooling and TVET educations systems, and;
  • Implement mine community support programs.