The MQA WSP-ATR submission process for 2024 will be managed by means of steps that must be followed and completed to progress to the next step. An online system with supporting tools and a submission manual have been provided to organisations to help with the submission process and ensure quality data is submitted. The following flow diagram outlines the submission process. Each step is defined in the paragraphs below and discussed in detail in the WSP-ATR Process Guide.

All SDFs and users must register on the WSP-ATR Portal before they can use the system.

The new system contains some of last years’ companies details. Levy numbers that do not show under a registered SDF’s list of related companies must be re-registered on the submission system. Levy numbers that do not exist on the MQA list of levy paying companies must be registered first as part of an Inter-SETA Transfer process before the company can be registered on the system.

The company details submitted needs to be verified by uploading a signed verification document on the system. Incorrect details such as banking details must be updated before the MQA can approve the SDF application.

Please Note: Completion of the Verification process is not a condition for uploading source data, but WSP-ATR Submissions will not be approved if the Verification Process has not been completed.

The source data is submitted as an excel workbook that contains the required data in specific sheets. ONLY the latest template releases for 2021 will allowed as source data. The submission system processes the data once it is uploaded, the data is then checked for errors and a WSP-ATR is generated as a PDF document. Previous submissions and other in-house data sources should be used to inform the source data.

Data being submitted is checked in the excel workbook for consistency and quality assured again when uploaded on the system. The indicated errors must be corrected to generate a WSP-ATR PDF document that needs to be signed off and submitted. The SDF can ‘Generate Error Report’ which will guide the SDF to where the errors are on the template.

The WSP-ATR PDF document without the errors should be signed off as a result of a consultative process. The document can be scanned and/or the last four pages uploaded on the MQA Skills Web System to finalise the submission process. The original signed document must be kept for audit purposes.

Important things for the SDF to Note:

  • The registration process for SDFs and Organisations is handled by the SoluGrowth (Pty) Ltd;
  • The WSP-ATR data is prepared on the updated source data template and then uploaded on the MQA Skills Web System;
  • Final submission is done by uploading a signed off Verification document AND signoff pages of the WSP-ATR Summary Report; and
  • The OFO Version used is the latest version from DHET as used last year (2021), any errors on the template were removed.


Below are the supporting documents for the 2023 WSP-ATR submission process: