Assessment and Moderation

Training Providers have to ensure that they have quality assessment and moderation systems in place and that such systems adheres to a Code of Conduct for registered assessors and guidelines for internal moderation against which the credibility of assessments and moderations decisions with regard to NQF registered unit standards and qualifications can be monitored.

The registration of assessors and moderators forms one part of the quality assurance process designed to ensure the credibility of the assessment and moderation systems. This function has been devolved for the QAs by SAQA. The SAQA requirements demands that assessors and moderators are registered with the QA and that the QAs may decide on their own criteria for registration.

MQA criteria for the registration of assessors and moderators:

  • Declared Competent by an ETDP SETA accredited provider, for the  assessor or moderator unit standards;
  • Must be a subject matter expert in the area in which registration is being applied for;
  • Must have a minimum of 2 years work experience in the field being applied for, for occupations with a high safety risk; and
  • Must be employed by an MQA accredited or programme approved training provider 

NB: for more information on the registration of new assessors, moderators and other related functions please refer to the guidelines below.

1. Relevant documents required, and guidelines to follow to register as a new Assessor currently not registered with the MQA:

  • Assessor registration form including Appendix A and B.
  • ID copy.
  • Assessor certificate OR statement of results. ONLY one of the two (2) documents will be accepted.
  • Record of service indicating a minimum of two years work experience in the field one would like to assess in.
  • Technical qualifications. ONLY those that are related to the scope to the scope of assessment being applied for. Please do not submit a matric certificate, CV, soft skills certificates (Microsoft programmes) or any other document not related to the scope of assessment being applied for.

NOTE: please ensure that the form and supporting documents are scanned in the same order as stated above, for administration convenience.

2. Relevant documents required, and guidelines to follow to register as a Moderator with the MQA:

  • Moderator registration form. This is to register moderators that are currently not registered with the MQA. The person must be registered as an assessor before he can be registered as a moderator.
  • Moderator certificate OR statement of results

NOTE: no other document should be submitted for moderator registration except the above two (2) documents.

3. Relevant documents for Assessor / Moderator Change Form

  • Detail change registration form. This is for assessors/moderators that are already registered with the MQA but are linked to another training provider and are now in your employment as the new training provider.

NOTE: no other documents should be submitted with the detail change form.

4. Relevant documents required, and guidelines to follow for Assessor scope extension

There is no document for scope extension. Should you wish to extend the scope of assessment of the assessor, a formal company letter indicating the scope of assessment of the assessor must be sent to the MQA.

  • A formal letter on a company letterhead co-signed by the Head of Training and the assessor.
  • A record of service. This document must show the number of years in a technical position at a mine.
  • Technical qualifications. ONLY those that are related to the scope of assessment being applied for. We do not need documents such as a matric certificate or CV and other documents not related to the scope of assessment being applied for.

Other relevant documents include the Code of Conduct for Registered Assessors and Guidelines for Internal Moderation.

NOTE: the MQA does not register independent / freelance assessors or moderators.

For more information on assessor and moderator registration, please contact the QA Unit on:

Telephone: 011 547 2634