NSDS II_30/08/2021
The strategy is a culmination of a process that commenced in 2003, with the National Skills Authority(NSA) constituency consultation process and presentation of their views on the NSDS 2001 - 2005 during the 2003 Skills Conference. It represents a detailed performance of Sector Education and Training Authorities and our National Skills Fund initiatives over the last four years. It represents healthy and sometimes very difficult debates on implementation matters, concerns and future aspirations of the various constituencies represented on the NSA.
NSDS III_30/08/2021
The third National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS III) follows the integration of higher and further education and skills development into a single Department of Higher Education and Training. Partnerships between employers, public education institutions (FET colleges, universities, universities of technology), private training providers and SETAs will be promoted so that the integration of education and training becomes a reality experienced by all South Africans. Priority will be given to strengthening the relationship between public colleges and universities and the SETAs, as well as with employers.