Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Nothing will prevent the Mining Qualifications Authority (MQA) in collaboration with the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) to celebrate International Literacy Day on 7th September 2013 at Matlosana, not even the current reported labour unrest in the sector. The event will celebrate the importance of Adult Education and Training in the mining sector.
The theme for this year’s event is “Intensify Education for Self Reliance”. International Literacy Day is celebrated globally in September to highlight the need for continuous sustenance of literacy education especially amongst adult learners. It is through these events as the organisations operating within the mining and minerals sector, wherein efforts are made to encourage companies to register more learners on Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) programmes and encourage learners to attend classes.
The MQA together with its stakeholders is placing greater efforts to promote adult learning. The MQA has previously formed partnerships with several mining and minerals sector stakeholders to promote the significance of ABET as a means of advancing to improved standards of lifestyles, such as access to knowledge and better working opportunities. Literacy programmes contribute to productivity, health and safety and empowers employees in the mining and minerals sector.
The MQA and the NUM celebrate International Literacy Day annually in different provinces and have previously formed partnerships with mining companies in the community to further encourage participation. This year the event will take place at Matlosana, Klerksdorp in the North West province. ABET learners from different provinces will gather on the day to celebrate their achievements.
The MQA is a skills development administration organisation for the mining and minerals sector established as a result of the Mine Health and Safety Act of 1996 and a Sector Education and Training.
Compiled by: | For more information please contact: |
Ms Amana Masilo | Ms Merle Clark |
Communications Specialist | Customer Service and Communication Manager |
Mining Qualifications Authority | Mining Qualifications Authority |
Tel: 011 547 2616 | Tel: 011 547 2600 |
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